Two Double-O Six becomes dust in the murk.
There were disasters in the distance.
Strange upheavals. No one understood them.
At night the sky was scored with light,
for the planes of the planet buckled and burned.
In the dawns were intervals of darkness
On the scorched sky, clusters of clouds and eclipse,
And cinders descending.
Nearer in the noons
The air lay low and ominous and inert.
And eventually at evening, or morning, or midday,
At the sheer wall of the wood,
Were shapes in the shadows approaching,
Always, and always alien and alike.
And in the foreground the fields were fixed in fire,
And the flames flowered in our flesh."
The Burning, by N. Scott Momaday (1975)
There is an apocalyptic mood much like McCarthy's THE ROAD. Numb nothingness. Ashes and cinders in the air. Dark figures watching for a chance to attack from the shadows.
Disasters in the distance: Vietnam. Iraq. The flowering of flames in human flesh. From napalm to "improvised explosive devices."
There are some rough beasts out there slouching around.
Wonder where they're headed next?
Probably the year Two Double-Zero Seven.